Sunday, May 24, 2009

Urrgghhh - {vent}

Well… sux to be me.

I didn’t pass my exam and my boss died Friday… and oh DH and I are not, well, happy.

You all remember I started a new job a month ago? My boss, George, had a massive heart attack and passed away Friday morning. It is very sad really, he had 2 teenage daughters. Can you imagine losing your father that young? I pray for his family almost every hour now. I can’t help it but pray that things will work out at work now. I’m not sure I’m accepted there and it will prove to be more difficult?

I spent the last month doing nothing but studying and working and I still didn’t pass the SPHR exam. Good Lord I swear to you I put so much into that. I think I put more into the wrong areas. I am terrible with financial (accounting) and I had a ton of questions in that area. I’m so sad, mad, embarrassed. Dang! I will start studying again in October for the December exam cycle though.

I haven’t the energy to explain the hubby debacle right now. I will leave this one where it belongs, in the Lords hands. He is GOOD.

1 comment:

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

*sigh* can I be the 1st to give U a big ole hug next month???? And then we can take a break together outside...LOL!!! {{{{HUGS}}} my dear dear dear friend!!!! I am soooooooooooooo sorry bout your boss, the exam and hubby.....*sigh*....hope all gets better soon!!!!! Can I leave U some smileys to cheer U up???? :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)